Little known fact, David's brother Charles Koch is actually even more
influential. Charles pledged $40 million to defeat President Obama,
David only $20 million. That's kind of cheap, Dave.
Sure, he's all for buying the elections, but when the bill for
democracy comes up, Dave's always in the men's room. I'm sorry, I must
have left Wisconsin in my other coat.
I was particularly excited to meet David Koch earlier tonight because
I have a Super PAC, Colbert Super PAC, and I am -- thank you, thank you
-- and I am happy to announce Mr. Koch has pledged $5 million to my
Super PAC. And the great thing is, thanks to federal election law,
there's no way for you to ever know whether that's a joke.
By the way, if David Koch likes his waiter tonight, he will be your next congressman.
Roman hobnailed shoe found in playground in Germany
19 hours ago